2023年 |
序号 |
论文级别 |
教师 |
作者 |
论文名称 |
刊物名称 |
1 |
特类 |
于新亮 |
于新亮,胡秋阳,申宇鹏 |
“退休一医疗服务波动”之谜的形成机理与破解路径——基于制度联系视角的理论及实证分析 |
管理世界 |
2 |
A1 |
王霞 |
王云红,王霞,胡一凡,孙丹玥 |
国资划拨对企业职工养老保险基金收支平衡的影响:以山东省为例 |
中国软科学 |
3 |
A1 |
于新亮 |
于新亮,郭文光,李倩,王琦 |
多层次养老保障体系、延迟退休与养老金可持续性 |
财经研究 |
4 |
A2 |
吴迪 |
吴迪,赵奇锋 |
资本市场动态博弈、信息不对称与企业创新——基于分析师预测视角 |
南开经济研究 |
5 |
A2 |
张玉昌 |
张玉昌,冉征,郑江淮,陈保启 |
地区市场整合如何影响地区创新路径 |
南方经济 |
6 |
B |
廖芬 |
廖芬,青平 |
作物营养强化农产品经济效益的研究现状与展望 |
华中农业大学学报(社会科学版) |
7 |
B |
林永康 |
宋清华,林永康 |
区域金融发展与制造业企业金融化——兼论企业金融化的同群效应 |
江汉论坛 |
8 |
B |
张玉昌 |
冉征,张玉昌,郑江淮 |
政府创新补贴、知识存量与企业研发投入 |
中国经济问题 |
9 |
C |
王海萍 |
王海萍,于文广 |
“人寿与健康保险”课程思政建设的路径探索 |
保险职业学院学报 |
10 |
C |
于新亮 |
于新亮,左雅璇,石玉建,梁馨月,盖楠,孙洪波 |
长期护理保险对医疗费用及医保基金可持续性的影响研究 |
中国医疗保险 |
11 |
A1 |
范红丽 |
范红丽,王英成,高金燕,彭子璇,PeterC.Coyte |
The Effect of a Long-Term Care Insurance Program on Subjective Well-Being of Older Adults with A Disability: Quasi experimental Evidence from China |
Journal of Applied Gerontology |
12 |
A1 |
廖芬 |
廖芬,李岩,青平,凤洁,王安绪,李剑,霍军生,王林洁,陈通,孙静 |
Impact of folate biofortified food supplement on rural women's health and wilingness-to-pay:A study based on a connected randomized controlled trial—Becker-DeGroot-Marschak experiment in China |
Agribusiness |
13 |
A1 |
廖芬 |
廖芬,李涵 |
Which Front-of-Package Nutrition Label Is Better? The Influence of Front-of-Package Nutrition Label Type on Consumers'Healthy Food Purchase Behavior |
Nutrients |
14 |
A1 |
林永康 |
刘丹玉,林永康,方时姣 |
Does green innovation reduce carbon emission intensity of chinese cities? Analysis based on Gs2SLS |
Applied Economics |
15 |
A1 |
吴迪 |
吴迪,赵奇锋 |
IPO underpricing and corporate innovation:evidence from China |
Economics of Innovation and New Technology |
16 |
A1 |
于文广 |
于文广,王琦,王雅萱,管国锋,高艺心 |
Does targeted poverty alleviation policy reduce poverty? Evidence from rural China |
SAGE Open |
17 |
A2 |
金博轶 |
金博轶 |
A Mean-VaR Based Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework for Practical Algorithmic Trading |
IEEE Access |
18 |
A2 |
林永康 |
林永康,宋清华,何凌云 |
Can the green finance reform and innovation pilot policy promote green technology innovation?—a novelty evidence from both polluting companies and city commercial banks in China |
Environment, Development and Sustainability |
19 |
B |
张鹏成 |
张鹏成,Enrique Calderin-Ojeda,Shuanming Li,Xueyuan Wu |
Bayesian Multivariate Mixed Poisson Models with Copula-Based Mixture |
North American Actuarial Journal |
20 |
B |
张鹏成 |
张鹏成,Xueyuan Wu |
Multivariate Poisson model adjusting for unidirectional misrepresentation |
Statistics and Probability Letters |
21 |
C |
廖芬 |
张晓晓,廖芬 |
A study on bamboo all-for-one tourism-Taking Yibin City,Sichuan Province,China as an example |
Sustainable Forestry |